Replicas of ancient biblical scrolls and artefacts: building a bridge to a deeper understanding of biblical scripture
Have you ever touched a papyrus scroll like the famous P52, the earliest NT-fragment, or the Papyrus Nash, or the codex P66, a papyrus booklet of John’s gospel? It is possible with my handwritten facsimiles on real papyrus.
Show your doubting friends the fingerprint of a biblical author on the bulla of Baruch, son of Nerijah, the scribe of Jeremiah (handmade replica of the real archaeological find) or other bullae of biblical kings of Judah, such as Ahas, Hezekijah or Manasseh (handmade replicas of the originals from Jerusalem).
Ask for more handmade replicas which are available in my scriptorium workshop, like the silver scrolls of Ketef Hinnom with the earliest AT bible text (Aaron’s blessing), biblical coins (e.g. roman denarius, jewish shekel,…) or Babylonian or Sumerian cuneiform-script tablets.
How interesting is it to examine a fragment of the Qumran Scroll of Psalms (11Q5) and see the Holy Name of God, JHWH, written in a hundreds of years older script than the Aramaic text around.
Each replica has a covering text card with an explanation of the archaeological background and information to its biblical reference.
So be invited to a roman birthday party, Sept. 13th 100 AD, by the Vindolanda tablet 291 (handmade replica) and maybe – through the covering text card – to an even much more exciting party once in heaven (Rev. 3:20)…
Most of my Catalogue (PDF) is in German, but you’ll always find some English information or ask for more translated texts. I’m working on it!
11Q5 Aaron’s blessing bible facsimile biblical scroll bulla of Baruch bullae of biblical kings cuneiform-script tablets earliest AT bible text earliest NT-fragment ketef hinnom papyrus nash papyrus p52 papyrus p66 Qumran Scroll of Psalms replica replicas of biblical artefacts silver scrolls